import sqlite3 import gpxpy import gpxpy.gpx import sys # Source: def LV95ToWGSLatitude(east, north): # Convert the projection coordinates E (easting) and N (northing) in MN95 # into the civilian system (Bern = 0 / 0) and express in the unit 1000 km. y_aux = (east - 2600000) / 1000000 x_aux = (north - 1200000) / 1000000 # Process latitude calculation. lat = ( (16.9023892 + (3.238272 * x_aux)) + -(0.270978 * pow(y_aux, 2)) + -(0.002528 * pow(x_aux, 2)) + -(0.0447 * pow(y_aux, 2) * x_aux) + -(0.0140 * pow(x_aux, 3)) ) # Unit 10000" to 1" and converts seconds to degrees notation. lat = lat * 100 / 36 return lat # Source: def LV95ToWGSLongitude(east, north): # Convert the projection coordinates E (easting) and N (northing) in MN95 # into the civilian system (Bern = 0 / 0) and express in the unit 1000 km. y_aux = (east - 2600000) / 1000000 x_aux = (north - 1200000) / 1000000 # Process longitude calculation. lng = ( (2.6779094 + (4.728982 * y_aux)) + +(0.791484 * y_aux * x_aux) + +(0.1306 * y_aux * pow(x_aux, 2)) + -(0.0436 * pow(y_aux, 3)) ) # Unit 10000" to 1" and converts seconds to degrees notation. lng = lng * 100 / 36 return lng db = sqlite3.connect("hydrants_live.sqlite") gpx = gpxpy.gpx.GPX() = "Hydranten" gpx.description = "Hydranten in Urdorf" cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( f"SELECT easting, northing, abgaenge, installationsjahr, strasse, hydrantennummer FROM hydrants WHERE plz = {sys.argv[1]} AND hydrantennummer != 659" ) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: easting = row[0] northing = row[1] abgaenge = row[2] installationsjahr = row[3] strasse = row[4] hydrantennummer = row[5] gpx_wps = gpxpy.gpx.GPXWaypoint() gpx_wps.longitude = LV95ToWGSLongitude(row[0], row[1]) gpx_wps.latitude = LV95ToWGSLatitude(row[0], row[1]) = f"Hydrant #: {hydrantennummer}" gpx_wps.description = f""" name=Hydrant #: {hydrantennummer} description=Abgänge: {abgaenge} Installationsjahr: {installationsjahr} Strasse: {strasse} """ gpx_wps.symbol = "Hydrant" gpx.waypoints.append(gpx_wps) abgaenge print(gpx.to_xml())