package main warn[msg] { input.apiVersion == "v1" input.kind == "List" obj := input.items[_] msg := _warn with input as obj } warn[msg] { input.apiVersion != "v1" input.kind != "List" msg := _warn } # Based on # Warn about the deprecated serviceAccount field in podSpec. _warn = msg { resources := ["Pod"] input.kind == resources[_] input.spec.serviceAccount msg := sprintf("%s/%s: The serviceAccount field in the podSpec will be deprecated soon, use serviceAccountName instead.", [input.kind,]) } _warn = msg { resources := ["CronJob"] input.kind == resources[_] input.spec.jobTemplate.spec.template.spec.serviceAccount msg := sprintf("%s/%s: The serviceAccount field in the podSpec will be deprecated soon, use serviceAccountName instead.", [input.kind,]) } _warn = msg { resources := ["Deployment", "DaemonSet", "Job", "ReplicaSet", "ReplicationController", "StatefulSet"] input.kind == resources[_] input.spec.template.spec.serviceAccount msg := sprintf("%s/%s: The serviceAccount field in the podSpec will be deprecated soon, use serviceAccountName instead.", [input.kind,]) }