apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: docspell-config namespace: docspell data: docspell.conf: | docspell.server { base-url = "https://"${BASE_URL} internal-url = "http://restserver:7880" bind { address = "" } integration-endpoint { enabled = true http-header { enabled = true header-value = ${?DOCSPELL_HEADER_VALUE} } } admin-endpoint { secret = ${ADMIN_ENDPOINT_SECRET} } # Configuration of the full-text search engine. full-text-search { enabled = true solr = { url = "http://solrtcp:8983/solr/docspell" } } backend { jdbc { url = "jdbc:"${DB_TYPE}"://"${DB_HOST}":"${DB_PORT}"/"${DB_NAME} user = ${DB_USER} password = ${DB_PASS} } signup { mode = "closed" } } } docspell.joex { base-url = "http://joex:7878" bind { address = "" } jdbc { url = "jdbc:"${DB_TYPE}"://"${DB_HOST}":"${DB_PORT}"/"${DB_NAME} user = ${DB_USER} password = ${DB_PASS} } full-text-search { enabled = true solr = { url = "http://solrtcp:8983/solr/docspell" } } convert.html-converter = "weasyprint" scheduler { pool-size = 1 } }