{ _config+:: { namespace: 'default', versions+:: { nodeExporter: 'v1.0.1' }, imageRepos+:: { nodeExporter: 'quay.io/prometheus/node-exporter' }, nodeExporter+:: { listenAddress: '', port: 9100, labels: { 'app.kubernetes.io/name': 'node-exporter', 'app.kubernetes.io/version': $._config.versions.nodeExporter, }, selectorLabels: { [labelName]: $._config.nodeExporter.labels[labelName] for labelName in std.objectFields($._config.nodeExporter.labels) if !std.setMember(labelName, ['app.kubernetes.io/version']) }, }, }, nodeExporter+:: { clusterRoleBinding: { apiVersion: 'rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1', kind: 'ClusterRoleBinding', metadata: { name: 'node-exporter', }, roleRef: { apiGroup: 'rbac.authorization.k8s.io', kind: 'ClusterRole', name: 'node-exporter', }, subjects: [{ kind: 'ServiceAccount', name: 'node-exporter', namespace: $._config.namespace, }], }, clusterRole: { apiVersion: 'rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1', kind: 'ClusterRole', metadata: { name: 'node-exporter', }, rules: [ { apiGroups: ['authentication.k8s.io'], resources: ['tokenreviews'], verbs: ['create'], }, { apiGroups: ['authorization.k8s.io'], resources: ['subjectaccessreviews'], verbs: ['create'], }, ], }, daemonset: local nodeExporter = { name: 'node-exporter', image: $._config.imageRepos.nodeExporter + ':' + $._config.versions.nodeExporter, args: [ '--web.listen-address=' + std.join(':', [$._config.nodeExporter.listenAddress, std.toString($._config.nodeExporter.port)]), '--path.procfs=/host/proc', '--path.sysfs=/host/sys', '--path.rootfs=/host/root', '--no-collector.wifi', '--no-collector.hwmon', '--collector.filesystem.ignored-mount-points=^/(dev|proc|sys|var/lib/docker/.+|var/lib/kubelet/pods/.+)($|/)', ], volumeMounts: [ { name: 'proc', mountPath: '/host/proc', mountPropagation: 'HostToContainer', readOnly: true }, { name: 'sys', mountPath: '/host/sys', mountPropagation: 'HostToContainer', readOnly: true }, { name: 'root', mountPath: '/host/root', mountPropagation: 'HostToContainer', readOnly: true }, ], resources: $._config.resources['node-exporter'], }; local proxy = { name: 'kube-rbac-proxy', image: $._config.imageRepos.kubeRbacProxy + ':' + $._config.versions.kubeRbacProxy, args: [ '--logtostderr', '--secure-listen-address=[$(IP)]:' + $._config.nodeExporter.port, '--tls-cipher-suites=' + std.join(',', $._config.tlsCipherSuites), '--upstream=' + $._config.nodeExporter.port + '/', ], env: [ { name: 'IP', valueFrom: { fieldRef: { fieldPath: 'status.podIP' } } }, ], // Keep `hostPort` here, rather than in the node-exporter container // because Kubernetes mandates that if you define a `hostPort` then // `containerPort` must match. In our case, we are splitting the // host port and container port between the two containers. // We'll keep the port specification here so that the named port // used by the service is tied to the proxy container. We *could* // forgo declaring the host port, however it is important to declare // it so that the scheduler can decide if the pod is schedulable. ports: [ { name: 'https', containerPort: $._config.nodeExporter.port, hostPort: $._config.nodeExporter.port }, ], resources: $._config.resources['kube-rbac-proxy'], securityContext: { runAsUser: 65532, runAsGroup: 65532, runAsNonRoot: true, }, }; { apiVersion: 'apps/v1', kind: 'DaemonSet', metadata: { name: 'node-exporter', namespace: $._config.namespace, labels: $._config.nodeExporter.labels, }, spec: { selector: { matchLabels: $._config.nodeExporter.selectorLabels }, updateStrategy: { type: 'RollingUpdate', rollingUpdate: { maxUnavailable: '10%' }, }, template: { metadata: { labels: $._config.nodeExporter.labels }, spec: { nodeSelector: { 'kubernetes.io/os': 'linux' }, tolerations: [{ operator: 'Exists', }], containers: [nodeExporter, proxy], volumes: [ { name: 'proc', hostPath: { path: '/proc' } }, { name: 'sys', hostPath: { path: '/sys' } }, { name: 'root', hostPath: { path: '/' } }, ], serviceAccountName: 'node-exporter', securityContext: { runAsUser: 65534, runAsNonRoot: true, }, hostPID: true, hostNetwork: true, }, }, }, }, serviceAccount: { apiVersion: 'v1', kind: 'ServiceAccount', metadata: { name: 'node-exporter', namespace: $._config.namespace, }, }, serviceMonitor: { apiVersion: 'monitoring.coreos.com/v1', kind: 'ServiceMonitor', metadata: { name: 'node-exporter', namespace: $._config.namespace, labels: $._config.nodeExporter.labels, }, spec: { jobLabel: 'app.kubernetes.io/name', selector: { matchLabels: $._config.nodeExporter.selectorLabels, }, endpoints: [{ port: 'https', scheme: 'https', interval: '15s', bearerTokenFile: '/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token', relabelings: [ { action: 'replace', regex: '(.*)', replacement: '$1', sourceLabels: ['__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name'], targetLabel: 'instance', }, ], tlsConfig: { insecureSkipVerify: true, }, }], }, }, service: { apiVersion: 'v1', kind: 'Service', metadata: { name: 'node-exporter', namespace: $._config.namespace, labels: $._config.nodeExporter.labels, }, spec: { ports: [ { name: 'https', targetPort: 'https', port: $._config.nodeExporter.port }, ], selector: $._config.nodeExporter.selectorLabels, clusterIP: 'None', }, }, }, }