{ /** * Creates a [table panel](https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/panels/visualizations/table-panel/) that can be added in a row. * It requires the table panel plugin in grafana, which is built-in. * * @name table.new * * @param title The title of the graph panel. * @param description (optional) Description of the panel * @param span (optional) Width of the panel * @param height (optional) Height of the panel * @param datasource (optional) Datasource * @param min_span (optional) Min span * @param styles (optional) Array of styles for the panel * @param columns (optional) Array of columns for the panel * @param sort (optional) Sorting instruction for the panel * @param transform (optional) Allow table manipulation to present data as desired * @param transparent (default: 'false') Whether to display the panel without a background * @param links (optional) Array of links for the panel. * @return A json that represents a table panel * * @method addTarget(target) Adds a target object * @method addTargets(targets) Adds an array of targets * @method addColumn(field, style) Adds a column * @method hideColumn(field) Hides a column * @method addLink(link) Adds a link */ new( title, description=null, span=null, min_span=null, height=null, datasource=null, styles=[], transform=null, transparent=false, columns=[], sort=null, time_from=null, time_shift=null, links=[], ):: { type: 'table', title: title, [if span != null then 'span']: span, [if min_span != null then 'minSpan']: min_span, [if height != null then 'height']: height, datasource: datasource, targets: [ ], styles: styles, columns: columns, timeFrom: time_from, timeShift: time_shift, links: links, [if sort != null then 'sort']: sort, [if description != null then 'description']: description, [if transform != null then 'transform']: transform, [if transparent == true then 'transparent']: transparent, _nextTarget:: 0, addTarget(target):: self { local nextTarget = super._nextTarget, _nextTarget: nextTarget + 1, targets+: [target { refId: std.char(std.codepoint('A') + nextTarget) }], }, addTargets(targets):: std.foldl(function(p, t) p.addTarget(t), targets, self), addColumn(field, style):: self { local style_ = style { pattern: field }, local column_ = { text: field, value: field }, styles+: [style_], columns+: [column_], }, hideColumn(field):: self { styles+: [{ alias: field, pattern: field, type: 'hidden', }], }, addLink(link):: self { links+: [link], }, }, }