local grafana = import 'github.com/grafana/grafonnet-lib/grafonnet/grafana.libsonnet'; local dashboard = grafana.dashboard; local row = grafana.row; local prometheus = grafana.prometheus; local template = grafana.template; local graphPanel = grafana.graphPanel; local tablePanel = grafana.tablePanel; local annotation = grafana.annotation; local singlestat = grafana.singlestat; { grafanaDashboards+:: { 'cluster-total.json': local newStyle( alias, colorMode=null, colors=[], dateFormat='YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss', decimals=2, link=false, linkTooltip='Drill down', linkUrl='', thresholds=[], type='number', unit='short' ) = { alias: alias, colorMode: colorMode, colors: colors, dateFormat: dateFormat, decimals: decimals, link: link, linkTooltip: linkTooltip, linkUrl: linkUrl, thresholds: thresholds, type: type, unit: unit, }; local newBarplotPanel(graphTitle, graphQuery, graphFormat='Bps', legendFormat='{{namespace}}') = local target = prometheus.target( graphQuery ) + { intervalFactor: 1, legendFormat: legendFormat, step: 10, }; graphPanel.new( title=graphTitle, span=24, datasource='$datasource', fill=2, min_span=24, format=graphFormat, min=0, max=null, show_xaxis=false, x_axis_mode='series', x_axis_values='current', lines=false, bars=true, stack=false, legend_show=true, legend_values=true, legend_min=false, legend_max=false, legend_current=true, legend_avg=false, legend_alignAsTable=true, legend_rightSide=true, legend_sort='current', legend_sortDesc=true, nullPointMode='null' ).addTarget(target) + { legend+: { hideEmpty: true, hideZero: true, }, paceLength: 10, tooltip+: { sort: 2, }, }; local newGraphPanel(graphTitle, graphQuery, graphFormat='Bps', legendFormat='{{namespace}}') = local target = prometheus.target( graphQuery ) + { intervalFactor: 1, legendFormat: legendFormat, step: 10, }; graphPanel.new( title=graphTitle, span=24, datasource='$datasource', fill=2, linewidth=2, min_span=24, format=graphFormat, min=0, max=null, x_axis_mode='time', x_axis_values='total', lines=true, stack=true, legend_show=true, legend_values=true, legend_min=true, legend_max=true, legend_current=true, legend_avg=true, legend_alignAsTable=true, legend_rightSide=true, nullPointMode='connected' ).addTarget(target) + { legend+: { hideEmpty: true, hideZero: true, }, paceLength: 10, tooltip+: { sort: 2, }, }; local newTablePanel(tableTitle, colQueries) = local buildTarget(index, colQuery) = prometheus.target( colQuery, format='table', instant=true, ) + { legendFormat: '', step: 10, refId: std.char(65 + index), }; local targets = std.mapWithIndex(buildTarget, colQueries); tablePanel.new( title=tableTitle, span=24, min_span=24, datasource='$datasource', ) .addColumn( field='Time', style=newStyle( alias='Time', type='hidden' ) ) .addColumn( field='Value #A', style=newStyle( alias='Current Bandwidth Received', unit='Bps', ), ) .addColumn( field='Value #B', style=newStyle( alias='Current Bandwidth Transmitted', unit='Bps', ), ) .addColumn( field='Value #C', style=newStyle( alias='Average Bandwidth Received', unit='Bps', ), ) .addColumn( field='Value #D', style=newStyle( alias='Average Bandwidth Transmitted', unit='Bps', ), ) .addColumn( field='Value #E', style=newStyle( alias='Rate of Received Packets', unit='pps', ), ) .addColumn( field='Value #F', style=newStyle( alias='Rate of Transmitted Packets', unit='pps', ), ) .addColumn( field='Value #G', style=newStyle( alias='Rate of Received Packets Dropped', unit='pps', ), ) .addColumn( field='Value #H', style=newStyle( alias='Rate of Transmitted Packets Dropped', unit='pps', ), ) .addColumn( field='namespace', style=newStyle( alias='Namespace', link=true, linkUrl='d/8b7a8b326d7a6f1f04244066368c67af/kubernetes-networking-namespace-pods?orgId=1&refresh=30s&var-namespace=$__cell', ), ) + { fill: 1, fontSize: '90%', lines: true, linewidth: 1, nullPointMode: 'null as zero', renderer: 'flot', scroll: true, showHeader: true, spaceLength: 10, sort: { col: 0, desc: false, }, targets: targets, }; local resolutionTemplate = template.new( name='resolution', datasource='$datasource', query='30s,5m,1h', current='5m', hide='', refresh=2, includeAll=false, sort=1 ) + { auto: false, auto_count: 30, auto_min: '10s', skipUrlSync: false, type: 'interval', options: [ { selected: false, text: '30s', value: '30s', }, { selected: true, text: '5m', value: '5m', }, { selected: false, text: '1h', value: '1h', }, ], }; local intervalTemplate = template.new( name='interval', datasource='$datasource', query='4h', current='5m', hide=2, refresh=2, includeAll=false, sort=1 ) + { auto: false, auto_count: 30, auto_min: '10s', skipUrlSync: false, type: 'interval', options: [ { selected: true, text: '4h', value: '4h', }, ], }; //##### Current Bandwidth Row ###### local currentBandwidthRow = row.new( title='Current Bandwidth' ); //##### Average Bandwidth Row ###### local averageBandwidthRow = row.new( title='Average Bandwidth', collapse=true, ); //##### Bandwidth History Row ###### local bandwidthHistoryRow = row.new( title='Bandwidth History' ); //##### Packet Row ###### // collapsed, so row must include panels local packetRow = row.new( title='Packets', collapse=true, ); //##### Error Row ###### // collapsed, so row must include panels local errorRow = row.new( title='Errors', collapse=true, ); dashboard.new( title='%(dashboardNamePrefix)sNetworking / Cluster' % $._config.grafanaK8s, tags=($._config.grafanaK8s.dashboardTags), editable=true, schemaVersion=18, refresh=($._config.grafanaK8s.refresh), time_from='now-1h', time_to='now', ) .addTemplate(resolutionTemplate) .addTemplate(intervalTemplate) .addAnnotation(annotation.default) .addPanel( currentBandwidthRow, gridPos={ h: 1, w: 24, x: 0, y: 0 } ) .addTemplate( { current: { text: 'default', value: 'default', }, hide: 0, label: null, name: 'datasource', options: [], query: 'prometheus', refresh: 1, regex: '', type: 'datasource', }, ) .addPanel( newBarplotPanel( graphTitle='Current Rate of Bytes Received', graphQuery='sort_desc(sum(irate(container_network_receive_bytes_total{namespace=~".+"}[$interval:$resolution])) by (namespace))', ), gridPos={ h: 9, w: 12, x: 0, y: 1 } ) .addPanel( newBarplotPanel( graphTitle='Current Rate of Bytes Transmitted', graphQuery='sort_desc(sum(irate(container_network_transmit_bytes_total{namespace=~".+"}[$interval:$resolution])) by (namespace))', ), gridPos={ h: 9, w: 12, x: 12, y: 1 } ) .addPanel( newTablePanel( tableTitle='Current Status', colQueries=[ 'sort_desc(sum(irate(container_network_receive_bytes_total{namespace=~".+"}[$interval:$resolution])) by (namespace))', 'sort_desc(sum(irate(container_network_transmit_bytes_total{namespace=~".+"}[$interval:$resolution])) by (namespace))', 'sort_desc(avg(irate(container_network_receive_bytes_total{namespace=~".+"}[$interval:$resolution])) by (namespace))', 'sort_desc(avg(irate(container_network_transmit_bytes_total{namespace=~".+"}[$interval:$resolution])) by (namespace))', 'sort_desc(sum(irate(container_network_receive_packets_total{namespace=~".+"}[$interval:$resolution])) by (namespace))', 'sort_desc(sum(irate(container_network_transmit_packets_total{namespace=~".+"}[$interval:$resolution])) by (namespace))', 'sort_desc(sum(irate(container_network_receive_packets_dropped_total{namespace=~".+"}[$interval:$resolution])) by (namespace))', 'sort_desc(sum(irate(container_network_transmit_packets_dropped_total{namespace=~".+"}[$interval:$resolution])) by (namespace))', ] ), gridPos={ h: 9, w: 24, x: 0, y: 10 } ) .addPanel( averageBandwidthRow .addPanel( newBarplotPanel( graphTitle='Average Rate of Bytes Received', graphQuery='sort_desc(avg(irate(container_network_receive_bytes_total{namespace=~".+"}[$interval:$resolution])) by (namespace))', ), gridPos={ h: 9, w: 12, x: 0, y: 11 } ) .addPanel( newBarplotPanel( graphTitle='Average Rate of Bytes Transmitted', graphQuery='sort_desc(avg(irate(container_network_transmit_bytes_total{namespace=~".+"}[$interval:$resolution])) by (namespace))', ), gridPos={ h: 9, w: 12, x: 12, y: 11 } ), gridPos={ h: 1, w: 24, x: 0, y: 10 }, ) .addPanel( bandwidthHistoryRow, gridPos={ h: 1, w: 24, x: 0, y: 11 } ) .addPanel( newGraphPanel( graphTitle='Receive Bandwidth', graphQuery='sort_desc(sum(irate(container_network_receive_bytes_total{namespace=~".+"}[$interval:$resolution])) by (namespace))', ), gridPos={ h: 9, w: 24, x: 0, y: 12 } ) .addPanel( newGraphPanel( graphTitle='Transmit Bandwidth', graphQuery='sort_desc(sum(irate(container_network_transmit_bytes_total{namespace=~".+"}[$interval:$resolution])) by (namespace))', ), gridPos={ h: 9, w: 24, x: 0, y: 21 } ) .addPanel( packetRow .addPanel( newGraphPanel( graphTitle='Rate of Received Packets', graphQuery='sort_desc(sum(irate(container_network_receive_packets_total{namespace=~".+"}[$interval:$resolution])) by (namespace))', graphFormat='pps' ), gridPos={ h: 9, w: 24, x: 0, y: 31 } ) .addPanel( newGraphPanel( graphTitle='Rate of Transmitted Packets', graphQuery='sort_desc(sum(irate(container_network_transmit_packets_total{namespace=~".+"}[$interval:$resolution])) by (namespace))', graphFormat='pps' ), gridPos={ h: 9, w: 24, x: 0, y: 40 } ), gridPos={ h: 1, w: 24, x: 0, y: 30 } ) .addPanel( errorRow .addPanel( newGraphPanel( graphTitle='Rate of Received Packets Dropped', graphQuery='sort_desc(sum(irate(container_network_receive_packets_dropped_total{namespace=~".+"}[$interval:$resolution])) by (namespace))', graphFormat='pps' ), gridPos={ h: 9, w: 24, x: 0, y: 50 } ) .addPanel( newGraphPanel( graphTitle='Rate of Transmitted Packets Dropped', graphQuery='sort_desc(sum(irate(container_network_transmit_packets_dropped_total{namespace=~".+"}[$interval:$resolution])) by (namespace))', graphFormat='pps' ), gridPos={ h: 9, w: 24, x: 0, y: 59 } ) .addPanel( newGraphPanel( graphTitle='Rate of TCP Retransmits out of all sent segments', graphQuery='sort_desc(sum(rate(node_netstat_Tcp_RetransSegs[$interval:$resolution]) / rate(node_netstat_Tcp_OutSegs[$interval:$resolution])) by (instance))', graphFormat='percentunit', legendFormat='{{instance}}' ) + { links: [ { url: 'https://accedian.com/enterprises/blog/network-packet-loss-retransmissions-and-duplicate-acknowledgements/', title: 'What is TCP Retransmit?', targetBlank: true, }, ] }, gridPos={ h: 9, w: 24, x: 0, y: 59 } ).addPanel( newGraphPanel( graphTitle='Rate of TCP SYN Retransmits out of all retransmits', graphQuery='sort_desc(sum(rate(node_netstat_TcpExt_TCPSynRetrans[$interval:$resolution]) / rate(node_netstat_Tcp_RetransSegs[$interval:$resolution])) by (instance))', graphFormat='percentunit', legendFormat='{{instance}}' ) + { links: [ { url: 'https://github.com/prometheus/node_exporter/issues/1023#issuecomment-408128365', title: 'Why monitor SYN retransmits?', targetBlank: true, }, ] }, gridPos={ h: 9, w: 24, x: 0, y: 59 } ), gridPos={ h: 1, w: 24, x: 0, y: 31 } ), }, }