{ /** * Returns a new graph panel that can be added in a row. * It requires the graph panel plugin in grafana, which is built-in. * * @param title The title of the graph panel. * @param span Width of the panel * @param datasource Datasource * @param fill Fill, integer from 0 to 10 * @param linewidth Line Width, integer from 0 to 10 * @param decimals Override automatic decimal precision for legend and tooltip. If null, not added to the json output. * @param min_span Min span * @param format Unit of the Y axes * @param formatY1 Unit of the first Y axe * @param formatY2 Unit of the second Y axe * @param min Min of the Y axes * @param max Max of the Y axes * @param labelY1 Label of the first Y axe * @param labelY2 Label of the second Y axe * @param x_axis_mode X axis mode, one of [time, series, histogram] * @param x_axis_values Chosen value of series, one of [avg, min, max, total, count] * @param x_axis_buckets restricts the x axis to this amount of buckets * @param x_axis_min restricts the x axis to display from this value if supplied * @param x_axis_max restricts the x axis to display up to this value if supplied * @param lines Display lines, boolean * @param points Display points, boolean * @param pointradius Radius of the points, allowed values are 0.5 or [1 ... 10] with step 1 * @param bars Display bars, boolean * @param dashes Display line as dashes * @param stack Stack values * @param repeat Variable used to repeat the graph panel * @param legend_show Show legend * @param legend_values Show values in legend * @param legend_min Show min in legend * @param legend_max Show max in legend * @param legend_current Show current in legend * @param legend_total Show total in legend * @param legend_avg Show average in legend * @param legend_alignAsTable Show legend as table * @param legend_rightSide Show legend to the right * @param legend_sort Sort order of legend * @param legend_sortDesc Sort legend descending * @param aliasColors Define color mappings for graphs * @param thresholds Configuration of graph thresholds * @param logBase1Y Value of logarithm base of the first Y axe * @param logBase2Y Value of logarithm base of the second Y axe * @param transparent Boolean (default: false) If set to true the panel will be transparent * @param value_type Type of tooltip value * @param shared_tooltip Boolean Allow to group or spit tooltips on mouseover within a chart * @param percentage Boolean (defaut: false) show as percentages * @return A json that represents a graph panel */ new( title, span=null, fill=1, linewidth=1, decimals=null, description=null, min_span=null, format='short', formatY1=null, formatY2=null, min=null, max=null, labelY1=null, labelY2=null, x_axis_mode='time', x_axis_values='total', x_axis_buckets=null, x_axis_min=null, x_axis_max=null, lines=true, datasource=null, points=false, pointradius=5, bars=false, height=null, nullPointMode='null', dashes=false, stack=false, repeat=null, repeatDirection=null, sort=0, show_xaxis=true, legend_show=true, legend_values=false, legend_min=false, legend_max=false, legend_current=false, legend_total=false, legend_avg=false, legend_alignAsTable=false, legend_rightSide=false, legend_hideEmpty=null, legend_hideZero=null, legend_sort=null, legend_sortDesc=null, aliasColors={}, thresholds=[], logBase1Y=1, logBase2Y=1, transparent=false, value_type='individual', shared_tooltip=true, percentage=false, time_from=null, time_shift=null, ):: { title: title, [if span != null then 'span']: span, [if min_span != null then 'minSpan']: min_span, [if decimals != null then 'decimals']: decimals, type: 'graph', datasource: datasource, targets: [ ], [if description != null then 'description']: description, [if height != null then 'height']: height, renderer: 'flot', yaxes: [ self.yaxe(if formatY1 != null then formatY1 else format, min, max, decimals=decimals, logBase=logBase1Y, label=labelY1), self.yaxe(if formatY2 != null then formatY2 else format, min, max, decimals=decimals, logBase=logBase2Y, label=labelY2), ], xaxis: { show: show_xaxis, mode: x_axis_mode, name: null, values: if x_axis_mode == 'series' then [x_axis_values] else [], buckets: if x_axis_mode == 'histogram' then [x_axis_buckets] else null, [if x_axis_min != null then 'min']: x_axis_min, [if x_axis_max != null then 'max']: x_axis_max, }, lines: lines, fill: fill, linewidth: linewidth, dashes: dashes, dashLength: 10, spaceLength: 10, points: points, pointradius: pointradius, bars: bars, stack: stack, percentage: percentage, legend: { show: legend_show, values: legend_values, min: legend_min, max: legend_max, current: legend_current, total: legend_total, alignAsTable: legend_alignAsTable, rightSide: legend_rightSide, avg: legend_avg, [if legend_hideEmpty != null then 'hideEmpty']: legend_hideEmpty, [if legend_hideZero != null then 'hideZero']: legend_hideZero, [if legend_sort != null then 'sort']: legend_sort, [if legend_sortDesc != null then 'sortDesc']: legend_sortDesc, }, nullPointMode: nullPointMode, steppedLine: false, tooltip: { value_type: value_type, shared: shared_tooltip, sort: if sort == 'decreasing' then 2 else if sort == 'increasing' then 1 else sort, }, timeFrom: time_from, timeShift: time_shift, [if transparent == true then 'transparent']: transparent, aliasColors: aliasColors, repeat: repeat, [if repeatDirection != null then 'repeatDirection']: repeatDirection, seriesOverrides: [], thresholds: thresholds, links: [], yaxe( format='short', min=null, max=null, label=null, show=true, logBase=1, decimals=null, ):: { label: label, show: show, logBase: logBase, min: min, max: max, format: format, [if decimals != null then 'decimals']: decimals, }, _nextTarget:: 0, addTarget(target):: self { // automatically ref id in added targets. // https://github.com/kausalco/public/blob/master/klumps/grafana.libsonnet local nextTarget = super._nextTarget, _nextTarget: nextTarget + 1, targets+: [target { refId: std.char(std.codepoint('A') + nextTarget) }], }, addTargets(targets):: std.foldl(function(p, t) p.addTarget(t), targets, self), addSeriesOverride(override):: self { seriesOverrides+: [override], }, resetYaxes():: self { yaxes: [], }, addYaxis( format='short', min=null, max=null, label=null, show=true, logBase=1, decimals=null, ):: self { yaxes+: [self.yaxe(format, min, max, label, show, logBase, decimals)], }, addAlert( name, executionErrorState='alerting', forDuration='5m', frequency='60s', handler=1, message='', noDataState='no_data', notifications=[], alertRuleTags={}, ):: self { local it = self, _conditions:: [], alert: { name: name, conditions: it._conditions, executionErrorState: executionErrorState, 'for': forDuration, frequency: frequency, handler: handler, noDataState: noDataState, notifications: notifications, message: message, alertRuleTags: alertRuleTags, }, addCondition(condition):: self { _conditions+: [condition], }, addConditions(conditions):: std.foldl(function(p, c) p.addCondition(c), conditions, it), }, }, }