install rauthy

This commit is contained in:
Tobias Brunner 2023-11-21 22:09:21 +01:00
parent 60b3031ade
commit 573e2170eb
Signed by: tobru
SSH key fingerprint: SHA256:kywVhvCA+MIxL6eBgoQa+BfC/ROJqcfD2bpy1PR6Ebk
8 changed files with 936 additions and 0 deletions

apps/rauthy/configmap.yaml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: rauthy-config
namespace: rauthy
rauthy.cfg: |+
############## ACCESS ###############
# If the User Registration endpoint should be accessible by anyone.
# If not, an admin must create each new user. (default: false)
# Can be used when 'OPEN_USER_REG=true' to restrict the domains
# for a registration. For instance, set it to
# '' to allow only
# registrations with '' (default: '')
# If set to 'true', this will validate the remote peer IP address with
# each request and compare it with the IP which was used during the initial
# session creation / login. If the IP is different, the session will be
# rejected. This is a security hardening and prevents stolen access credentials,
# for instance if an attacker might have copied the encrypted session cookie
# and the XSRF token from the local storage from a user. However, this event
# is really unlikely, since it may only happen if an attacker has direct access
# to the machine itself.
# If your users are using mobile networks and get new IP addresses all the time,
# this means they have to do a new login each time. This is no big deal at all with
# Webauthn / FIDO keys anyway and should not be a reason to deactivate this feature.
# Caution: If you are running behind a reverse proxy which does not provide the
# X-FORWARDED-FOR header correctly, or you have the PROXY_MODE in this config
# disabled, this feature will not work. You can validate the IPs for each session
# in the Admin UI. If these are correct, your setup is okay.
# (default: true)
# This value may be set to 'true' to disable the binding cookie checking
# when a user uses the password reset link from an E-Mail.
# When using such a link, you will get a so called binding cookie. This
# happens on the very first usage of such a reset link. From that moment on,
# you will only be able to access the password reset form with this very
# device and browser. This is just another security mechanism and prevents
# someone else who might be passively sniffing network traffic to extract
# the (unencrypted) URI from the header and just use it, before the user
# has a change to fill out the form. This is a mechanism to prevent against
# account takeovers during a password reset.
# The problem however are companies (e.g. Microsoft) who scan their customers
# E-Mails and even follow links and so on. They call it a "feature". The
# problem is, that their servers get this binding cookie and the user will be
# unable to use this link himself. The usage of this config option is highly
# discouraged, but since everything moves very slow in big enterprises and
# you cannot change your E-Mail provider quickly, you can use it do just make
# it work for the moment and deal with it later.
# default: false
############# BACKUPS ###############
# Cron job for automatic data store backups (default: "0 0 4 * * * *")
# sec min hour day_of_month month day_of_week year
#BACKUP_TASK="0 0 4 * * * *"
# The name for the data store backups. The current timestamp
# will always be appended automatically. (default: rauthy-backup-)
# All backups older than the specified hours will be cleaned up
# automatically (default: 720)
############## CACHE ################
# If the cache should start in HA mode or standalone
# accepts 'true|false', defaults to 'false'
# The connection strings (with hostnames) of the HA instances
# as a CSV.
# Format: 'scheme://hostname:port'
#HA_HOSTS="http://rauthy-0.rauthy:8000, http://rauthy-1.rauthy:8000, http://rauthy-2.rauthy:8000"
# Overwrite the hostname which is used to identify each cache member.
# Useful in scenarios, where for instance all members are on the same host with
# different ports or for testing.
## Define buffer sizes for channels between the components
# Buffer for client requests on the incoming stream - server
# side (default: 128)
# Make sense to have the CACHE_BUF_SERVER set to:
# `(number of total HA cache hosts - 1) * CACHE_BUF_CLIENT`
# In a non-HA deployment, set the same size for both
# Buffer for client requests to remote servers for all cache
# operations (default: 128)
# Secret token, which is used to authenticate the cache members
## Connections Timeouts
# The Server sends out keepalive pings with configured timeouts
# The keepalive ping interval in seconds (default: 5)
# The keepalive ping timeout in seconds (default: 5)
# The timeout for the leader election. If a newly saved leader
# request has not reached quorum after the timeout, the leader
# will be reset and a new request will be sent out.
# This should not be lower than CACHE_RECONNECT_TIMEOUT_UPPER,
# since cold starts and elections will be problematic in that
# case.
# value in seconds, default: 15
# These 2 values define the reconnect timeout for the HA Cache
# Clients. The values are in ms and a random between these 2
# will be chosen each time to avoid conflicts and race conditions
# (default: 2500)
# (default: 5000)
############ DATABASE ###############
# The database driver will be chosen at runtime depending on
# the given DATABASE_URL format. Examples:
# Sqlite: 'sqlite:data/rauthy.db' or 'sqlite::memory:'
# Postgres: 'postgresql://User:PasswordWithoutSpecialCharacters@localhost:5432/DatabaseName'
# NOTE: The password in this case should be alphanumeric. Special
# characters could cause problems in the connection string.
# To make the automatic migrations work with Postgres15, when
# you do not want to just use the `postgres` user, You need
# to have a user with the same name as the DB / schema. For
# instance, the following would work without granting extra
# access to the `public` schema which is disabled by default
# since PG15:
# database: rauthy
# user: rauthy
# schema: rauthy with owner rauthy
# Max DB connections - irrelevant for SQLite (default: 5)
# If specified, the current Database, set with DATABASE_URL,
# will be DELETED and OVERWRITTEN with a migration from the
# given database with this variable. Can be used to migrate
# between different databases.
# !!! USE WITH CARE !!!
# Disables the housekeeping schedulers (default: false)
############# E-MAIL ################
# Will be used as the prefix for the E-Mail subject for each E-Mail
# that will be sent out to a client.
# This can be used to further customize your deployment.
# default: "Rauthy IAM"
# Format: "Rauthy <>"
###### ENCRYPTION / HASHING #########
# Format: "key_id/enc_key another_key_id/another_enc_key" - the
# enc_key itself must be exactly 32 characters long and and
# should not contain special characters.
# The ID must match '[a-zA-Z0-9]{2,20}'
#ENC_KEYS="bVCyTsGaggVy5yqQ/S9n7oCen53xSJLzcsmfdnBDvNrqQ63r4 q6u26onRvXVG4427/3CEC8RJWBcMkrBMkRXgx65AmJsNTghSA"
# M_COST should never be below 32768 in production
# T_COST should never be below 1 in production
# P_COST should never be below 2 in production
# Limits the maximum amount of parallel password hashes at
# the exact same time to never exceed system memory while
# still allowing a good amount of memory for the argon2id
# algorithm (default: 2)
# CAUTION: You must make sure, that you have at least
# (MAX_HASH_THREADS * ARGON2_M_COST / 1024) + ~30 MB of memory
# available.
# The time in ms when to log a warning, if a request waited
# longer than this time. This is an indicator, that you have
# more concurrent logins than allowed and may need config
# adjustments,
# if this happens more often. (default: 500)
# JWKS auto rotate cronjob. This will (by default) rotate
# all JWKs every 1. day of the month. If you need smaller
# intervals, you may adjust this value. For security reasons,
# you cannot fully disable it.
# In a HA deployment, this job will only be executed on the
# current cache leader at that time.
# Format: "sec min hour day_of_month month day_of_week year"
# default: "0 30 3 1 * * *"
JWK_AUTOROTATE_CRON="0 30 3 1 * * *"
####### EPHEMERAL CLIENTS ###########
# Can be set to 'true' to allow the dynamic client lookup via URLs as
# 'client_id's during authorization_code flow initiation.
# default: false
# Can be set to 'true' to enable WebID functionality like needed
# for things like Solid OIDC.
# default: false
# If set to 'true', 'solid' will be added to the 'aud' claim from the ID token
# for ephemeral clients.
# default: false
# If set to 'true', MFA / Passkeys will be forced for ephemeral clients.
# default: false
# The allowed flows separated by ' ' for ephemeral clients.
# default: "authorization_code"
#EPHEMERAL_CLIENTS_ALLOWED_FLOWS="authorization_code refresh_token"
# The allowed scopes separated by ' ' for ephemeral clients.
# default: "openid profile email webid"
#EPHEMERAL_CLIENTS_ALLOWED_SCOPES="openid profile email webid"
# The lifetime in seconds ephemeral clients will be kept inside the cache.
# default: 3600
######### EVENTS / AUDIT ############
# The E-Mail address event notifications should be sent to.
# If left empty, no messages will be sent to Slack.
# Matrix variables for event notifications.
# Depending on your Matrix setup, additionally one of
# If you log in to Matrix with User + Password, you may use `EVENT_MATRIX_USER_PASSWORD`.
# If you log in via OIDC SSO (or just want to use a session token you can revoke),
# you should provide `EVENT_MATRIX_ACCESS_TOKEN`.
# If both are given, the `EVENT_MATRIX_ACCESS_TOKEN` will be preferred.
# If left empty, no messages will be sent to Slack.
# Format: `@<user_id>:<server address>`
# Format: `!<random string>:<server address>`
# Optional path to a PEM Root CA certificate file for the Matrix client.
# May be set to disable the TLS validation for the Matrix client.
# default: false
# The default behavior is, that Rauthy will panic at startup if it cannot connect
# to a configured Matrix server. The reason is that event notifications cannot be
# dropped silently.
# However, if you use a self-hosted Matrix server which uses Rauthy as its OIDC
# provider and both instances went offline, you will have a chicken and egg problem:
# - Rauthy cannot connect to Matrix and will panic
# - Your Matrix server cannot connect to Rauthy and will panic
# To solve this issue, you can temporarily set this value to 'true' and revert
# back, after the system is online again.
# default: false
# The Webhook for Slack Notifications.
# If left empty, no messages will be sent to Slack.
# The notification level for events. Works the same way as a logging level.
# For instance: 'notice' means send out a notifications for all events with
# the info level or higher.
# Possible values:
# - info
# - notice
# - warning
# - critical
# default: 'warning'
# default: 'notice'
# default: 'notice'
# Define the level from which on events should be persisted inside the
# database. All events with a lower level will be lost, if there is no
# active event subscriber.
# Possible values:
# - info
# - notice
# - warning
# - critical
# default: 'info'
# Define the number of days when events should be cleaned up from the database.
# default: 31
# The level for the generated Event after a new user has been registered.
# default: info
# The level for the generated Event after a user has changed his E-Mail
# default: notice
# The level for the generated Event after a user has reset its password
# default: notice
# The level for the generated Event after a user has been given the
# 'rauthy_admin' role
# default: notice
# The level for the generated Event after a new App version has been found
# default: notice
# The level for the generated Event after the JWKS has been rotated
# default: notice
# The level for the generated Event after DB secrets have been migrated
# to a new key
# default: notice
# The level for the generated Event after a Rauthy instance has been
# started
# default: info
# The level for the generated Event after a Rauthy entered a healthy
# state (again)
# default: notice
# The level for the generated Event after a Rauthy entered an unhealthy
# default: critical
# The level for the generated Event after an IP has been blacklisted
# default: warning
# The level for the generated Event after certain amounts of false
# logins from an IP
# default: critical
# default: critical
# default: warning
# default: warning
# default: notice
# default: info
# If set to 'true', it will disable the app version checker.
# This is a scheduled task that looks up the latest version periodically
# by doing a request to the Github API to check the latest release.
# This ignores any type of prerelease and will only notify for a new stable.
# default: false
####### LIFETIMES / TIMEOUTS ########
# Set the grace time in seconds for how long in seconds the
# refresh token should still be valid after usage. Keep this
# value small, but do not set it to 0 with an HA deployment
# to not get issues with small HA cache latencies.
# If you have an external client, which does concurrent
# requests, from which the request interceptor wants to refresh
# the token, you may have multiple hits on the endpoint and all
# of them should be valid.
# Caching is done on the endpoint itself, but grace time of 0
# will only be good for a single instance of rauthy.
# default: 5
# Lifetime for offline tokens in hours (default: 720)
# Session lifetime in seconds - the session can not be
# extended beyond this time and a new login will be forced.
# This is the session for the authorization code flow. (default: 14400)
# If 'true', a 2FA / MFA check will be done with each automatic
# token generation, even with an active session, which kind of
# makes the session useless with Webauthn enabled, but provides
# maximum amount of security.
# If 'false', the user will not get a MFA prompt with an active
# session at the authorization endpoint.
# (default: false)
# Session timeout in seconds
# When a new token / login is requested before this timeout hits
# the limit, the user will be authenticated without prompting for
# the credentials again.
# This is the value which can extend the session, until it hits
# its maximum lifetime set with SESSION_LIFETIME.
# ML: magic link
# LT: lifetime
# Lifetime in minutes for reset password magic links (default: 30)
# Lifetime in minutes for the first password magic link, for
# setting the initial password. (default: 4320)
# The interval in seconds in which keep-alives should be sent to SSE clients.
# Depending on your network setup, proxy timeouts, ...
# you may adjust this value to fit your needs.
# default: 30
############# LOGGING ###############
# This is the log level for stdout logs
# Accepts: error, info, debug, trace (default: info)
# This is a special config which allows the configuration of
# customized access logs. These logs will be logged with each
# request in addition to the normal LOG_LEVEL logs.
# The following values are valid:
# - Debug
# CAUTION: The Debug setting logs every information available
# to the middleware which includes SENSITIVE HEADERS
# DO NOT use the Debug level in a working production environment!
# - Verbose
# Verbose logging without headers - generates huge outputs
# - Basic
# Logs access to all endpoints apart from the Frontend ones
# which all js, css, ...
# - Modifying
# Logs only requests to modifying endpoints and skips all GET
# - Off
# (default: Modifying)
################ MFA ################
# If 'true', MFA for an account must be enabled to access the
# rauthy admin UI (default: true)
############## POW #################
## Proof of Work (PoW) configuration for Client Endpoints like
# User Registration. The iteration count for the PoW calculation
# (default: 1000000)
# The expiration duration in seconds when a saved PoW should be
# cleaned up (default: 300)
############# SERVER ################
# The server address to listen on. Can bind to a specific IP.
# (default:
# The listen ports for HTTP / HTTPS, depending on the
# activated 'LISTEN_SCHEME'
# default: 8080
# default: 8443
# The scheme to use locally, valid values:
# http | https | http_https (default: http_https)
# The Public URL of the whole deployment
# HEADER later on, which is especially important when running
# rauthy behind a reverse proxy. In case of a non-standard
# port (80/443), you need to add the port to the PUB_URL
# default value: number of available physical cores
# When rauthy is running behind a reverse proxy, set to true
# (default: false)
# To enable or disable the additional HTTP server to expose the /metrics endpoint
# default: true
# The IP address to listen on for the /metrics endpoint.
# You do not want to expose your metrics on a publicly reachable endpoint!
# default:
# The post to listen on for the /metrics endpoint.
# You do not want to expose your metrics on a publicly reachable endpoint!
# default: 9090
# If the Swagger UI should be served together with the /metrics route on the internal
# server. It it then reachable via:
# http://METRICS_ADDR:METRICS_PORT/docs/v1/swagger-ui/
# (default: true)
# If the Swagger UI should be served externally as well. This makes the link in the
# Admin UI work.
# CAUTION: The Swagger UI is open and does not require any login to be seen!
# Rauthy is open source, which means anyone could just download it and see on their
# own, but it may be a security concern to just expose less information.
# (default: false)
############### TLS #################
## Rauthy TLS
# Overwrite the path to the TLS certificate file in PEM
# format for rauthy (default: tls/tls.crt)
# Overwrite the path to the TLS private key file in PEM
# format for rauthy. If the path / filename ends with
# '.der', rauthy will parse it as DER, otherwise as PEM.
# (default: tls/tls.key)
# Enable / disable TLS for the cache communication
# (default: true)
# The path to the server TLS certificate PEM file
# default: tls/redhac.cert-chain.pem
# The path to the server TLS key PEM file
# default: tls/redhac.key.pem
# The path to the client mTLS certificate PEM file. This is optional.
# The path to the client mTLS key PEM file. This is optional.
# If not empty, the PEM file from the specified location will be
# added as the CA certificate chain for validating
# the servers TLS certificate. This is optional.
# If not empty, the PEM file from the specified location will
# be added as the CA certificate chain for validating
# the clients mTLS certificate. This is optional.
# The domain / CN the client should validate the certificate
# against. This domain MUST be inside the
# 'X509v3 Subject Alternative Name' when you take a look at
# the servers certificate with the openssl tool.
# default: redhac.local
# Can be used if you need to overwrite the SNI when the
# client connects to the server, for instance if you are
# behind a loadbalancer which combines multiple certificates.
# default: ""
############# WEBAUTHN ##############
# The 'Relaying Party (RP) ID' - effective domain name
# (default: localhost)
# CAUTION: When this changes, already registered devices will stop
# working and users cannot log in anymore!
# Url containing the effective domain name
# (default: http://localhost:8080)
# CAUTION: Must include the port number!
# Non critical RP Name
# Has no security properties and may be changed without issues
# (default: Rauthy Webauthn)
RP_NAME='Rauthy Webauthn'
# The Cache lifetime in seconds for Webauthn requests. Within
# this time, a webauthn request must have been validated.
# (default: 60)
# The Cache lifetime for additional Webauthn Data like auth
# codes and so on. Should not be lower than WEBAUTHN_REQ_EXP.
# The value is in seconds (default: 90)
# With webauthn enabled for a user, he needs to enter
# username / password on a new system. If these credentials are
# verified, rauthy will set an additional cookie, which will
# determine how long the user can then use only (safe) MFA
# passwordless webauthn login with yubikeys, apple touch id,
# Windows hello, ... until he needs to verify his credentials
# again.
# Passwordless login is generally much safer than logging in
# with a password. But sometimes it is possible, that the
# Webauthn devices do not force the user to include a second
# factor, which in that case would be a single factor login
# again. That is why we should ask for the original password
# in addition once in a while to set the cookie.
# The value is in hours (default: 2160)
# This feature can be set to 'true' to force User verification
# during the Webauthn ceremony. UV will be true, if the user
# does not only need to verify its presence by touching the key,
# but by also providing proof that he knows (or is) some secret
# via a PIN or biometric key for instance. With UV, we have a
# true MFA scenario where UV == false (user presence only)
# would be a 2FA scenario (with password). Be careful with this
# option, since Android and some special combinations of OS +
# browser to not support UV yet.
# (default: false)
# Can be set to 'true' to disable password expiry for users
# that have at least one active passkey. When set to 'false',
# the same password expiry from the set policy will apply to
# these users as well.
# With this option active, rauthy will ignore any password
# expiry set by the password policy for Webauthn users.
# default: true

apps/rauthy/ingress.yaml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
kind: Ingress
annotations: letsencrypt-prod kube-system-redirect-https@kubernetescrd
name: rauthy
app: rauthy
- host:
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: rauthy
number: 8080
- hosts:
secretName: id-tobru-ch-cert

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
kind: Kustomization
namespace: odoo
- configmap.yaml
- statefulset.yaml
- service.yaml
- ingress.yaml
- secret-generator.yaml

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
kind: ksops
name: secret-generator
- secret.sops.yaml

View file

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: rauthy-secrets
type: Opaque
DATABASE_URL: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:7bL3UgDaVHnOnPAnvexMlcXNfkLu,iv:KfrewSX7UaQXMID7Sy33OnIlCDGKAzNxBgMKZvUiJ5Y=,tag:mb1B3t7Tlhfj7l/QGMNOnQ==,type:str]
ENC_KEYS: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:Tg7bOmHcdkiBHLs7p1in/moOsghdOD4slZjylEHt2NaLUJb7v5PzDSM=,iv:4tXRr89u/0AJuyBCphWrXrOfYR2ZhwkCIjbqqsCOKMg=,tag:mkeb7m1oJAr2Aozf64qQMQ==,type:str]
SMTP_PASSWORD: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:QHwEE/SYsg==,iv:dHCKwHdMS3mC87tJzUCMGniQ96u3V4Ky5KT0d6fFfog=,tag:4brW+KyANX/gVkKC/Wrs/Q==,type:str]
kms: []
gcp_kms: []
azure_kv: []
hc_vault: []
- recipient: age1dfk8euu7afvw7ge5l2qek45z23hdq5anjd56cy4d7kcsf0e0e5pqfjylx8
enc: |
lastmodified: "2023-11-21T21:08:40Z"
mac: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:3jV++001/kUJkfG0jGZLZNiQFrXci5nWY34rjMqyUAeHLGWVtS6LJpmijlGyTMwhwKxQQFeugJovVHpM4wyXlOTtS0UHWyjlzFYBexp2e9EDaSaxJOh0L+G1UnIjmmSVhTb0zQNRo8pqa9phP16REfMf+NUwK9zx77sLm3HOcv4=,iv:XmDzp9KTElz8COR9KgLtTSGGc+TL+o9+PCkIXvMuG8A=,tag:Uy3ScFEnv/tqZLQSx+g20A==,type:str]
pgp: []
encrypted_regex: ^(data|stringData)$
version: 3.8.1

apps/rauthy/service.yaml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: rauthy
namespace: rauthy
app: rauthy
# If you use the HA feature later on, the port over which the cache layer does
# communicate.
- name: cache
port: 8000
targetPort: 8000
# Assuming that this example file will run behind a Kubernetes ingress and does
# use HTTP internally.
- name: http
port: 8080
targetPort: 8080
# Uncomment, if you change to direct HTTPS without a reverse proxy
#- name: https
# port: 8443
# targetPort: 8443

View file

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
name: rauthy
namespace: rauthy
app: rauthy
serviceName: rauthy
# Do not just scale up replicas without a proper HA Setup
replicas: 1
app: rauthy
app: rauthy
fsGroup: 10001
- name: rauthy
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# User ID 10001 is actually built into the container at the creation for
# better security
runAsUser: 10001
runAsGroup: 10001
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
- containerPort: 8000
# You may need to adjust this, if you decide to start in https only mode
# or use another port
- containerPort: 8080
- containerPort: 8443
name: rauthy-secrets
- name: ENC_KEYS
name: rauthy-secrets
name: rauthy-secrets
- mountPath: /app/data
name: rauthy-data
readOnly: false
- mountPath: /app/rauthy.cfg
subPath: rauthy.cfg
name: rauthy-config
readOnly: true
# You may need to adjust this, if you decide to start in https only
# mode or use another port
scheme: HTTP
port: 8080
#scheme: HTTPS
#port: 8443
path: /auth/v1/ping
initialDelaySeconds: 1
periodSeconds: 10
# You may need to adjust this, if you decide to start in https only
# mode or use another port
scheme: HTTP
port: 8080
#scheme: HTTPS
#port: 8443
path: /auth/v1/health
initialDelaySeconds: 1
periodSeconds: 30
# Tune the memory requests value carefully. Make sure, that the
# pods request at least:
# With SQLite: for small deployments, add additional ~20-30Mi for
# "the rest", for larger ones ~50-70 Mi should be enough.
memory: 64Mi
# The CPU needs to be adjusted during runtime. This heavily
# depends on your use case.
cpu: 100m
# Be careful with the memory limit. You must make sure, that the
# (very costly) password hashing has enough memory available. If not,
# the application will crash. You do not really need a memory limit,
# since Rust is not a garbage collected language. Better take a close
# look at what the container actually needs during
# prime time and set the requested resources above properly.
# A CPU limit may make sense in case of DDoS attacks or something
# like this, if you do not have external rate limiting or other
# mechanisms. Otherwise, `MAX_HASH_THREADS` is the main mechanism
# to limit resources.
cpu: 1000m
- name: rauthy-config
name: rauthy-config
- metadata:
name: rauthy-data
- "ReadWriteOnce"
storage: 128Mi
#storageClassName: provideIfYouHaveMultipleOnes

View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
kind: Application
name: rauthy
namespace: argocd
project: apps
path: apps/rauthy
targetRevision: HEAD
namespace: rauthy
server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
- CreateNamespace=true