
114 lines
5.6 KiB

_config+:: {
SLOs: {
apiserver: {
days: 30, // The number of days we alert on burning too much error budget for.
target: 0.99, // The target percentage of availability between 0-1. (0.99 = 99%, 0.999 = 99.9%)
// Only change these windows when you really understand multi burn rate errors.
// Even though you can change the days above (which will change availability calculations)
// these windows will alert on a 30 days sliding window. We're looking into basing these windows on the given days too.
windows: [
{ severity: 'critical', 'for': '2m', long: '1h', short: '5m', factor: 14.4 },
{ severity: 'critical', 'for': '15m', long: '6h', short: '30m', factor: 6 },
{ severity: 'warning', 'for': '1h', long: '1d', short: '2h', factor: 3 },
{ severity: 'warning', 'for': '3h', long: '3d', short: '6h', factor: 1 },
// Selectors are inserted between {} in Prometheus queries.
cadvisorSelector: 'job="cadvisor"',
kubeletSelector: 'job="kubelet"',
kubeStateMetricsSelector: 'job="kube-state-metrics"',
nodeExporterSelector: 'job="node-exporter"',
kubeSchedulerSelector: 'job="kube-scheduler"',
kubeControllerManagerSelector: 'job="kube-controller-manager"',
kubeApiserverSelector: 'job="kube-apiserver"',
kubeProxySelector: 'job="kube-proxy"',
podLabel: 'pod',
hostNetworkInterfaceSelector: 'device!~"veth.+"',
hostMountpointSelector: 'mountpoint="/"',
windowsExporterSelector: 'job="kubernetes-windows-exporter"',
containerfsSelector: 'container!=""',
// Grafana dashboard IDs are necessary for stable links for dashboards
grafanaDashboardIDs: {
'k8s-resources-multicluster.json': '1gBgaexoVZ4TpBNAt2eGRsc4LNjNhdjcZd6cqU6S',
'k8s-resources-cluster.json': 'ZnbvYbcXkob7GLqcDPLTj1ZL4MRX87tOh8xdr831',
'k8s-resources-namespace.json': 'XaY4UCP3J51an4ikqtkUGBSjLpDW4pg39xe2FuxP',
'k8s-resources-pod.json': 'wU56sdGSNYZTL3eO0db3pONtVmTvsyV7w8aadbYF',
'k8s-multicluster-rsrc-use.json': 'NJ9AlnsObVgj9uKiJMeAqfzMi1wihOMupcsDhlhR',
'k8s-cluster-rsrc-use.json': 'uXQldxzqUNgIOUX6FyZNvqgP2vgYb78daNu4GiDc',
'k8s-node-rsrc-use.json': 'E577CMUOwmPsxVVqM9lj40czM1ZPjclw7hGa7OT7',
'nodes.json': 'kcb9C2QDe4IYcjiTOmYyfhsImuzxRcvwWC3YLJPS',
'persistentvolumesusage.json': 'AhCeikee0xoa6faec0Weep2nee6shaiquigahw8b',
'pods.json': 'AMK9hS0rSbSz7cKjPHcOtk6CGHFjhSHwhbQ3sedK',
'statefulset.json': 'dPiBt0FRG5BNYo0XJ4L0Meoc7DWs9eL40c1CRc1g',
'k8s-resources-windows-cluster.json': '4d08557fd9391b100730f2494bccac68',
'k8s-resources-windows-namespace.json': '490b402361724ab1d4c45666c1fa9b6f',
'k8s-resources-windows-pod.json': '40597a704a610e936dc6ed374a7ce023',
'k8s-windows-cluster-rsrc-use.json': '53a43377ec9aaf2ff64dfc7a1f539334',
'k8s-windows-node-rsrc-use.json': '96e7484b0bb53b74fbc2bcb7723cd40b',
'k8s-resources-workloads-namespace.json': 'L29WgMrccBDauPs3Xsti3fwaKjMB6fReufWj6Gl1',
'k8s-resources-workload.json': 'hZCNbUPfUqjc95N3iumVsaEVHXzaBr3IFKRFvUJf',
'apiserver.json': 'eswbt59QCroA3XLdKFvdOHlKB8Iks3h7d2ohstxr',
'controller-manager.json': '5g73oHG0pCRz4X1t6gNYouVUv9urrQd4wCdHR2mI',
'scheduler.json': '4uMPZ9jmwvYJcM5fcNcNrrt9Sf6ufQL4IKFri2Gp',
'proxy.json': 'hhT4orXD1Ott4U1bNNps0R26EHTwMypdcaCjDRPM',
'kubelet.json': 'B1azll2ETo7DTiM8CysrH6g4s5NCgkOz6ZdU8Q0j',
// Support for Grafana 7.2+ `$__rate_interval` instead of `$__interval`
grafana72: true,
grafanaIntervalVar: if self.grafana72 then '$__rate_interval' else '$__interval',
// Config for the Grafana dashboards in the Kubernetes Mixin
grafanaK8s: {
dashboardNamePrefix: 'Kubernetes / ',
dashboardTags: ['kubernetes-mixin'],
// For links between grafana dashboards, you need to tell us if your grafana
// servers under some non-root path.
linkPrefix: '',
// The default refresh time for all dashboards, default to 10s
refresh: '10s',
minimumTimeInterval: '1m',
// Timezone for Grafana dashboards:: UTC, browser, ...
grafanaTimezone: 'UTC',
// Opt-in to multiCluster dashboards by overriding this and the clusterLabel.
showMultiCluster: false,
clusterLabel: 'cluster',
namespaceLabel: 'namespace',
// Default datasource name
datasourceName: 'default',
// Datasource instance filter regex
datasourceFilterRegex: '',
// This list of filesystem is referenced in various expressions.
fstypes: ['ext[234]', 'btrfs', 'xfs', 'zfs'],
fstypeSelector: 'fstype=~"%s"' % std.join('|', self.fstypes),
// This list of disk device names is referenced in various expressions.
diskDevices: ['mmcblk.p.+', 'nvme.+', 'rbd.+', 'sd.+', 'vd.+', 'xvd.+', 'dm-.+', 'dasd.+'],
diskDeviceSelector: 'device=~"(/dev.+)|%s"' % std.join('|', self.diskDevices),
// Certain workloads (e.g. KubeVirt/CDI) will fully utilise the persistent volume they claim
// the size of the PV will never grow since they consume the entirety of the volume by design.
// This selector allows an admin to 'pre-mark' the PVC of such a workload (or for any other use case)
// so that specific storage alerts will not fire.With the default selector, adding a label `exclude-from-alerts: 'true'`
// to the PVC will have the desired effect.
pvExcludedSelector: 'label_excluded_from_alerts="true"',
// Default timeout value for k8s Jobs. The jobs which are active beyond this duration would trigger KubeJobNotCompleted alert.
kubeJobTimeoutDuration: 12 * 60 * 60,