
295 lines
9.7 KiB

local krp = import './kube-rbac-proxy.libsonnet';
local defaults = {
local defaults = self,
// Convention: Top-level fields related to CRDs are public, other fields are hidden
// If there is no CRD for the component, everything is hidden in defaults.
name:: 'node-exporter',
namespace:: error 'must provide namespace',
version:: error 'must provide version',
image:: error 'must provide version',
kubeRbacProxyImage:: error 'must provide kubeRbacProxyImage',
resources:: {
requests: { cpu: '102m', memory: '180Mi' },
limits: { cpu: '250m', memory: '180Mi' },
listenAddress:: '',
filesystemMountPointsExclude:: '^/(dev|proc|sys|run/k3s/containerd/.+|var/lib/docker/.+|var/lib/kubelet/pods/.+)($|/)',
// NOTE: ignore veth network interface associated with containers.
// OVN renames veth.* to <rand-hex>@if<X> where X is /sys/class/net/<if>/ifindex
// thus [a-z0-9] regex below
ignoredNetworkDevices:: '^(veth.*|[a-f0-9]{15})$',
port:: 9100,
commonLabels:: {
'': defaults.version,
'': 'exporter',
'': 'kube-prometheus',
selectorLabels:: {
[labelName]: defaults.commonLabels[labelName]
for labelName in std.objectFields(defaults.commonLabels)
if !std.setMember(labelName, [''])
mixin:: {
ruleLabels: {},
_config: {
nodeExporterSelector: 'job="' + + '"',
// Adjust NodeFilesystemSpaceFillingUp warning and critical thresholds according to the following default kubelet
// GC values,
// imageGCLowThresholdPercent: 80
// imageGCHighThresholdPercent: 85
// GC kicks in when imageGCHighThresholdPercent is hit and attempts to free upto imageGCLowThresholdPercent.
// See for more details.
// Warn only after imageGCHighThresholdPercent is hit, but filesystem is not freed up for a prolonged duration.
fsSpaceFillingUpWarningThreshold: 15,
// Send critical alert only after (imageGCHighThresholdPercent + 5) is hit, but filesystem is not freed up for a prolonged duration.
fsSpaceFillingUpCriticalThreshold: 10,
diskDeviceSelector: 'device=~"(/dev/)?(mmcblk.p.+|nvme.+|rbd.+|sd.+|vd.+|xvd.+|dm-.+|md.+|dasd.+)"',
runbookURLPattern: '',
function(params) {
local ne = self,
_config:: defaults + params,
// Safety check
assert std.isObject(ne._config.resources),
assert std.isObject(ne._config.mixin._config),
_metadata:: {
namespace: ne._config.namespace,
labels: ne._config.commonLabels,
mixin:: (import '') +
(import '') {
_config+:: ne._config.mixin._config,
prometheusRule: {
apiVersion: '',
kind: 'PrometheusRule',
metadata: ne._metadata {
labels+: ne._config.mixin.ruleLabels,
name: + '-rules',
spec: {
local r = if std.objectHasAll(ne.mixin, 'prometheusRules') then ne.mixin.prometheusRules.groups else [],
local a = if std.objectHasAll(ne.mixin, 'prometheusAlerts') then ne.mixin.prometheusAlerts.groups else [],
groups: a + r,
clusterRoleBinding: {
apiVersion: '',
kind: 'ClusterRoleBinding',
metadata: ne._metadata,
roleRef: {
apiGroup: '',
kind: 'ClusterRole',
subjects: [{
kind: 'ServiceAccount',
namespace: ne._config.namespace,
clusterRole: {
apiVersion: '',
kind: 'ClusterRole',
metadata: ne._metadata,
rules: [
apiGroups: [''],
resources: ['tokenreviews'],
verbs: ['create'],
apiGroups: [''],
resources: ['subjectaccessreviews'],
verbs: ['create'],
serviceAccount: {
apiVersion: 'v1',
kind: 'ServiceAccount',
metadata: ne._metadata,
automountServiceAccountToken: false,
service: {
apiVersion: 'v1',
kind: 'Service',
metadata: ne._metadata,
spec: {
ports: [
{ name: 'https', targetPort: 'https', port: ne._config.port },
selector: ne._config.selectorLabels,
clusterIP: 'None',
serviceMonitor: {
apiVersion: '',
kind: 'ServiceMonitor',
metadata: ne._metadata,
spec: {
jobLabel: '',
selector: {
matchLabels: ne._config.selectorLabels,
endpoints: [{
port: 'https',
scheme: 'https',
interval: '15s',
bearerTokenFile: '/var/run/secrets/',
relabelings: [
action: 'replace',
regex: '(.*)',
replacement: '$1',
sourceLabels: ['__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name'],
targetLabel: 'instance',
tlsConfig: {
insecureSkipVerify: true,
networkPolicy: {
apiVersion: '',
kind: 'NetworkPolicy',
metadata: ne.service.metadata,
spec: {
podSelector: {
matchLabels: ne._config.selectorLabels,
policyTypes: ['Egress', 'Ingress'],
egress: [{}],
ingress: [{
from: [{
podSelector: {
matchLabels: {
'': 'prometheus',
ports: {
port: o.port,
protocol: 'TCP',
}, ne.service.spec.ports),
local nodeExporter = {
image: ne._config.image,
args: [
'--web.listen-address=' + std.join(':', [ne._config.listenAddress, std.toString(ne._config.port)]),
'--collector.filesystem.mount-points-exclude=' + ne._config.filesystemMountPointsExclude,
'--collector.netclass.ignored-devices=' + ne._config.ignoredNetworkDevices,
'--collector.netdev.device-exclude=' + ne._config.ignoredNetworkDevices,
volumeMounts: [
{ name: 'sys', mountPath: '/host/sys', mountPropagation: 'HostToContainer', readOnly: true },
{ name: 'root', mountPath: '/host/root', mountPropagation: 'HostToContainer', readOnly: true },
resources: ne._config.resources,
securityContext: {
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false,
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true,
capabilities: { drop: ['ALL'], add: ['SYS_TIME'] },
local kubeRbacProxy = krp({
name: 'kube-rbac-proxy',
//image: krpImage,
upstream: '' + ne._config.port + '/',
secureListenAddress: '[$(IP)]:' + ne._config.port,
// Keep `hostPort` here, rather than in the node-exporter container
// because Kubernetes mandates that if you define a `hostPort` then
// `containerPort` must match. In our case, we are splitting the
// host port and container port between the two containers.
// We'll keep the port specification here so that the named port
// used by the service is tied to the proxy container. We *could*
// forgo declaring the host port, however it is important to declare
// it so that the scheduler can decide if the pod is schedulable.
// Although hostPort might not seem necessary, kubernetes adds it anyway
// when running with 'hostNetwork'. We might as well make sure it works
// the way we want.
// See also:
ports: [
{ name: 'https', containerPort: ne._config.port, hostPort: ne._config.port },
image: ne._config.kubeRbacProxyImage,
}) + {
env: [
{ name: 'IP', valueFrom: { fieldRef: { fieldPath: 'status.podIP' } } },
apiVersion: 'apps/v1',
kind: 'DaemonSet',
metadata: ne._metadata,
spec: {
selector: {
matchLabels: ne._config.selectorLabels,
updateStrategy: {
type: 'RollingUpdate',
rollingUpdate: { maxUnavailable: '10%' },
template: {
metadata: {
annotations: {
labels: ne._config.commonLabels,
spec: {
nodeSelector: { '': 'linux' },
tolerations: [{
operator: 'Exists',
containers: [nodeExporter, kubeRbacProxy],
volumes: [
{ name: 'sys', hostPath: { path: '/sys' } },
{ name: 'root', hostPath: { path: '/' } },
automountServiceAccountToken: true,
priorityClassName: 'system-cluster-critical',
securityContext: {
runAsUser: 65534,
runAsNonRoot: true,
hostPID: true,
hostNetwork: true,