
177 lines
4.7 KiB

local defaults = {
local defaults = self,
name: 'prometheus-operator-admission-webhook',
namespace: error 'must provide namespace',
version: error 'must provide version',
image: error 'must provide admission webhook image',
// The name of the Secret containing the TLS certificate and key of the admission webhook service.
tlsSecretName: error 'must provide tlsSecretName',
// The Secret's key containing the TLS certificate.
tlsCertRef: 'tls.crt',
// The Secret's key containing the TLS private key.
tlsPrivateKeyRef: 'tls.key',
port: 443,
replicas: 2,
resources: {
limits: { cpu: '200m', memory: '200Mi' },
requests: { cpu: '50m', memory: '50Mi' },
commonLabels:: {
'': defaults.version,
selectorLabels:: {
[labelName]: defaults.commonLabels[labelName]
for labelName in std.objectFields(defaults.commonLabels)
if !std.setMember(labelName, [''])
function(params) {
local aw = self,
_config:: defaults + params,
_metadata:: {
namespace: aw._config.namespace,
labels: aw._config.commonLabels,
serviceAccount: {
apiVersion: 'v1',
kind: 'ServiceAccount',
metadata: aw._metadata,
automountServiceAccountToken: false,
service: {
apiVersion: 'v1',
kind: 'Service',
metadata: aw._metadata,
spec: {
ports: [
{ name: 'https', targetPort: 'https', port: aw._config.port },
selector: aw._config.selectorLabels,
local container = {
image: aw._config.image,
ports: [{
containerPort: 8443,
name: 'https',
args: [
resources: aw._config.resources,
terminationMessagePolicy: 'FallbackToLogsOnError',
securityContext: {
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false,
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true,
capabilities: { drop: ['ALL'] },
volumeMounts: [
mountPath: '/etc/tls/private',
name: 'tls-certificates',
readOnly: true,
apiVersion: 'apps/v1',
kind: 'Deployment',
metadata: aw._metadata,
spec: {
replicas: aw._config.replicas,
selector: { matchLabels: aw._config.selectorLabels },
template: {
metadata: {
labels: aw._config.commonLabels,
annotations: {
spec: {
containers: [container],
securityContext: {
runAsNonRoot: true,
runAsUser: 65534,
automountServiceAccountToken: false,
volumes: [{
name: 'tls-certificates',
secret: {
secretName: aw._config.tlsSecretName,
items: [{
key: aw._config.tlsCertRef,
path: 'tls.crt',
}, {
key: aw._config.tlsPrivateKeyRef,
path: 'tls.key',
} + if aw._config.replicas > 1 then {
// configure hard anti-affinity + rolling update for proper HA.
template+: {
spec+: {
affinity: {
podAntiAffinity: {
requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: [{
namespaces: [aw._config.namespace],
topologyKey: '',
labelSelector: {
matchLabels: aw._config.selectorLabels,
strategy: {
rollingUpdate: {
maxUnavailable: 1,
serviceMonitor: {
apiVersion: '',
kind: 'ServiceMonitor',
metadata: aw._metadata,
spec: {
endpoints: [
port: 'https',
honorLabels: true,
selector: {
matchLabels: aw._config.commonLabels,
[if (defaults + params).replicas > 1 then 'podDisruptionBudget']: {
apiVersion: 'policy/v1',
kind: 'PodDisruptionBudget',
metadata: aw._metadata,
spec: {
minAvailable: 1,
selector: { matchLabels: aw._config.selectorLabels },