
152 lines
6.3 KiB

local thanos = self,
receive+:: {
selector: error 'must provide selector for Thanos Receive alerts',
httpErrorThreshold: 5,
ingestionThreshold: 50,
forwardErrorThreshold: 20,
refreshErrorThreshold: 0,
p99LatencyThreshold: 10,
dimensions: std.join(', ', std.objectFields(thanos.targetGroups) + ['job']),
prometheusAlerts+:: {
groups+: if thanos.receive == null then [] else [
local location = if std.length(std.objectFields(thanos.targetGroups)) > 0 then ' in %s' % std.join('/', ['{{$labels.%s}}' % level for level in std.objectFields(thanos.targetGroups)]) else '';
name: 'thanos-receive',
rules: [
alert: 'ThanosReceiveHttpRequestErrorRateHigh',
annotations: {
description: 'Thanos Receive {{$labels.job}}%s is failing to handle {{$value | humanize}}%% of requests.' % location,
summary: 'Thanos Receive is failing to handle requests.',
expr: |||
sum by (%(dimensions)s) (rate(http_requests_total{code=~"5..", %(selector)s, handler="receive"}[5m]))
sum by (%(dimensions)s) (rate(http_requests_total{%(selector)s, handler="receive"}[5m]))
) * 100 > %(httpErrorThreshold)s
||| % thanos.receive,
'for': '5m',
labels: {
severity: 'critical',
alert: 'ThanosReceiveHttpRequestLatencyHigh',
annotations: {
description: 'Thanos Receive {{$labels.job}}%s has a 99th percentile latency of {{ $value }} seconds for requests.' % location,
summary: 'Thanos Receive has high HTTP requests latency.',
expr: |||
histogram_quantile(0.99, sum by (%(dimensions)s, le) (rate(http_request_duration_seconds_bucket{%(selector)s, handler="receive"}[5m]))) > %(p99LatencyThreshold)s
sum by (%(dimensions)s) (rate(http_request_duration_seconds_count{%(selector)s, handler="receive"}[5m])) > 0
||| % thanos.receive,
'for': '10m',
labels: {
severity: 'critical',
alert: 'ThanosReceiveHighReplicationFailures',
annotations: {
description: 'Thanos Receive {{$labels.job}}%s is failing to replicate {{$value | humanize}}%% of requests.' % location,
summary: 'Thanos Receive is having high number of replication failures.',
expr: |||
thanos_receive_replication_factor > 1
sum by (%(dimensions)s) (rate(thanos_receive_replications_total{result="error", %(selector)s}[5m]))
sum by (%(dimensions)s) (rate(thanos_receive_replications_total{%(selector)s}[5m]))
max by (%(dimensions)s) (floor((thanos_receive_replication_factor{%(selector)s}+1) / 2))
max by (%(dimensions)s) (thanos_receive_hashring_nodes{%(selector)s})
) * 100
||| % thanos.receive,
'for': '5m',
labels: {
severity: 'warning',
alert: 'ThanosReceiveHighForwardRequestFailures',
annotations: {
description: 'Thanos Receive {{$labels.job}}%s is failing to forward {{$value | humanize}}%% of requests.' % location,
summary: 'Thanos Receive is failing to forward requests.',
expr: |||
sum by (%(dimensions)s) (rate(thanos_receive_forward_requests_total{result="error", %(selector)s}[5m]))
sum by (%(dimensions)s) (rate(thanos_receive_forward_requests_total{%(selector)s}[5m]))
) * 100 > %(forwardErrorThreshold)s
||| % thanos.receive,
'for': '5m',
labels: {
severity: 'info',
alert: 'ThanosReceiveHighHashringFileRefreshFailures',
annotations: {
description: 'Thanos Receive {{$labels.job}}%s is failing to refresh hashring file, {{$value | humanize}} of attempts failed.' % location,
summary: 'Thanos Receive is failing to refresh hasring file.',
expr: |||
sum by (%(dimensions)s) (rate(thanos_receive_hashrings_file_errors_total{%(selector)s}[5m]))
sum by (%(dimensions)s) (rate(thanos_receive_hashrings_file_refreshes_total{%(selector)s}[5m]))
> %(refreshErrorThreshold)s
||| % thanos.receive,
'for': '15m',
labels: {
severity: 'warning',
alert: 'ThanosReceiveConfigReloadFailure',
annotations: {
description: 'Thanos Receive {{$labels.job}}%s has not been able to reload hashring configurations.' % location,
summary: 'Thanos Receive has not been able to reload configuration.',
expr: 'avg by (%(dimensions)s) (thanos_receive_config_last_reload_successful{%(selector)s}) != 1' % thanos.receive,
'for': '5m',
labels: {
severity: 'warning',
alert: 'ThanosReceiveNoUpload',
annotations: {
description: 'Thanos Receive {{$labels.instance}}%s has not uploaded latest data to object storage.' % location,
summary: 'Thanos Receive has not uploaded latest data to object storage.',
expr: |||
(up{%(selector)s} - 1)
+ on (%(dimensions)s, instance) # filters to only alert on current instance last 3h
(sum by (%(dimensions)s, instance) (increase(thanos_shipper_uploads_total{%(selector)s}[3h])) == 0)
||| % thanos.receive,
'for': '3h',
labels: {
severity: 'critical',