# k3s on OpenWrt Makefile to generate OpenWrt .opkg packages from official k3s binaries. ## Usage This requires a custom kernel with support for various cgroup, namespaces, vxlan, cfs scheduler etc. See here for my openwrt config: https://github.com/5pi-home/openwrt/blob/master/config ### Firewall To allow the k3s' flannel bridge to access the internet, configure a interface for cni0 in uci: /etc/config/network: ``` config interface 'k8s' option proto 'none' option ifname 'cni0' ``` /etc/config/firewall ``` config zone option name 'k8s' option input 'ACCEPT' option output 'ACCEPT' option forward 'ACCEPT' option network 'k8s' ``` ## Building Run `make` to build the default version for `x86_64`. You can override ARCH and VERSION, e.g `make ARCH=armhf`. See ARCHS and VERSIONS files for available architectures and versions.