# From Mail to Lodur - all automated "Loki - Nordischer Gott des Feuers" This app helps a Feuerwehr Fourier from the Canton of Zurich in Switzerland to ease the pain of the huge work for getting Einsätze correctly into [Lodur](https://www.lodur.ch/lodur.html). ## Idea * Get mails sent by ELZ with subjects "Einsatzausdruck_FW" and "Einsatzprotokoll" * Store attached PDF in Feuerwehr Cloud (WebDAV) * Publish new message over MQTT * Parse PDFs and try to get information about Einsatz * Connect to Lodur and create a new Einsatzrapport with as much information as possible ## TODO ### Version 1 * README / Docs Before version 1 can be tagged, it must have processed at least 5 real Einsätze! ### Known instabilities * Storing files with "current year" doesn't work well during end of year ### Future versions * Generalize * IMAP Idle * Display PDF on Dashboard * Send statistics to InfluxDB * Webapp to see what's going on * Get as many data out of the PDFs as possible * Simple webform to fill-in missing data (skipping Lodur completely) * Webapp for chosing who was there during the Einsatz (tablet ready) ## Lodur Information Gathering ### eins_stat_kantone _02. Einsatzart FKS_ ``` ``` ### emergency_concept_id / ver_sart _03. Verrechnungsart_ * `emergency_concept_id` = value * `ver_sart`= rc-id ``` ```