#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ E-Mail / IMAP handling """ import os import logging import re import email import email.parser import socket import imaplib _EMAIL_SUBJECTS = '(OR OR SUBJECT "Einsatzausdruck_FW" SUBJECT "Einsatzprotokoll" SUBJECT "Einsatzrapport" UNSEEN)' class EmailHandling: """ Email handling """ def __init__(self, server, username, password, mailbox, tmp_dir): self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.logger.info("Connecting to IMAP server %s", server) self.tmp_dir = tmp_dir socket.setdefaulttimeout(60) try: # TODO timeout self.imap = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(server) self.imap.login(username, password) self.imap.select(mailbox, readonly=False) except Exception as err: self.logger.error("IMAP connection failed - exiting: %s", str(err)) raise SystemExit(1) self.logger.info("IMAP connection successful") def search_emails(self): """ searches for emails matching the configured subject """ self.logger.info("Searching for messages matching: %s", _EMAIL_SUBJECTS) try: typ, msg_ids = self.imap.search( None, _EMAIL_SUBJECTS, ) if typ != "OK": self.logger.error("Error searching for matching messages") return False except imaplib.IMAP4.abort as err: self.logger.error("IMAP search aborted - exiting: %s", str(err)) raise SystemExit(1) num_messages = len(msg_ids[0].split()) self.logger.info("Found %s matching messages", str(num_messages)) return num_messages, msg_ids def store_attachments(self, msg_ids): """ stores the attachments to filesystem """ data = {} for msg_id in msg_ids[0].split(): # download message from imap typ, msg_data = self.imap.fetch(msg_id, "(BODY.PEEK[])") if typ != "OK": self.logger.error("Error fetching message") continue # extract attachment for response_part in msg_data: if isinstance(response_part, tuple): mail = email.message_from_string(str(response_part[1], "utf-8")) subject = mail["subject"] f_type, f_id = self.parse_subject(subject) self.logger.info('[%s] Getting attachment from "%s"', f_id, subject) for part in mail.walk(): file_name = part.get_filename() if not file_name: self.logger.debug( "Most probably not an attachment as no filename found" ) continue self.logger.info( '[%s] Extracting attachment "%s"', f_id, file_name ) if bool(file_name): f_type, _ = self.parse_subject(subject) renamed_file_name = f_type + "_" + file_name # save attachment to filesystem file_path = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, renamed_file_name) self.logger.info( '[%s] Saving attachment to "%s"', f_id, file_path ) if not os.path.isfile(file_path): file = open(file_path, "wb") file.write(part.get_payload(decode=True)) file.close() data[subject] = renamed_file_name return data def mark_seen(self, msg_id): self.imap.store(msg_id, "+FLAGS", "(\\Seen)") def parse_subject(self, subject): """ extract f id and type from subject """ # This regex matches the subjects filtered already in IMAP search parsed = re.search("([a-zA-Z_]*):? ?(F[0-9].*)?", subject) f_type = parsed.group(1) f_id = parsed.group(2) return f_type, f_id