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prometheusAlerts+:: {
groups+: [
name: 'prometheus-operator',
rules: [
alert: 'PrometheusOperatorListErrors',
expr: |||
(sum by (controller,namespace) (rate(prometheus_operator_list_operations_failed_total{%(prometheusOperatorSelector)s}[10m])) / sum by (controller,namespace) (rate(prometheus_operator_list_operations_total{%(prometheusOperatorSelector)s}[10m]))) > 0.4
||| % $._config,
labels: {
severity: 'warning',
annotations: {
description: 'Errors while performing List operations in controller {{$labels.controller}} in {{$labels.namespace}} namespace.',
summary: 'Errors while performing list operations in controller.',
'for': '15m',
alert: 'PrometheusOperatorWatchErrors',
expr: |||
(sum by (controller,namespace) (rate(prometheus_operator_watch_operations_failed_total{%(prometheusOperatorSelector)s}[10m])) / sum by (controller,namespace) (rate(prometheus_operator_watch_operations_total{%(prometheusOperatorSelector)s}[10m]))) > 0.4
||| % $._config,
labels: {
severity: 'warning',
annotations: {
description: 'Errors while performing watch operations in controller {{$labels.controller}} in {{$labels.namespace}} namespace.',
summary: 'Errors while performing watch operations in controller.',
'for': '15m',
alert: 'PrometheusOperatorSyncFailed',
expr: |||
min_over_time(prometheus_operator_syncs{status="failed",%(prometheusOperatorSelector)s}[5m]) > 0
||| % $._config,
labels: {
severity: 'warning',
annotations: {
description: 'Controller {{ $labels.controller }} in {{ $labels.namespace }} namespace fails to reconcile {{ $value }} objects.',
summary: 'Last controller reconciliation failed',
'for': '10m',
alert: 'PrometheusOperatorReconcileErrors',
expr: |||
(sum by (controller,namespace) (rate(prometheus_operator_reconcile_errors_total{%(prometheusOperatorSelector)s}[5m]))) / (sum by (controller,namespace) (rate(prometheus_operator_reconcile_operations_total{%(prometheusOperatorSelector)s}[5m]))) > 0.1
||| % $._config,
labels: {
severity: 'warning',
annotations: {
description: '{{ $value | humanizePercentage }} of reconciling operations failed for {{ $labels.controller }} controller in {{ $labels.namespace }} namespace.',
summary: 'Errors while reconciling controller.',
'for': '10m',
alert: 'PrometheusOperatorNodeLookupErrors',
expr: |||
rate(prometheus_operator_node_address_lookup_errors_total{%(prometheusOperatorSelector)s}[5m]) > 0.1
||| % $._config,
labels: {
severity: 'warning',
annotations: {
description: 'Errors while reconciling Prometheus in {{ $labels.namespace }} Namespace.',
summary: 'Errors while reconciling Prometheus.',
'for': '10m',
alert: 'PrometheusOperatorNotReady',
expr: |||
min by(namespace, controller) (max_over_time(prometheus_operator_ready{%(prometheusOperatorSelector)s}[5m]) == 0)
||| % $._config,
labels: {
severity: 'warning',
annotations: {
description: "Prometheus operator in {{ $labels.namespace }} namespace isn't ready to reconcile {{ $labels.controller }} resources.",
summary: 'Prometheus operator not ready',
'for': '5m',
alert: 'PrometheusOperatorRejectedResources',
expr: |||
min_over_time(prometheus_operator_managed_resources{state="rejected",%(prometheusOperatorSelector)s}[5m]) > 0
||| % $._config,
labels: {
severity: 'warning',
annotations: {
description: 'Prometheus operator in {{ $labels.namespace }} namespace rejected {{ printf "%0.0f" $value }} {{ $labels.controller }}/{{ $labels.resource }} resources.',
summary: 'Resources rejected by Prometheus operator',
'for': '5m',